
To use LACE in a project:

import lace # or
from lace import cliff, morph, lace1, add_to_bin, lace2_simulator

The CLIFF func:

cliff(attribute_names, data_matrix, independent_attrs, objective_attr, objective_as_binary=False, cliff_percentage=0.4)
param attribute_names:
 the attribute names. This should match the data_matrix
param data_matrix:
 the data to trim
param independent_attrs:
 set up the independent attributes in the dataset. Note: ‘name’, ‘id’, etc. might not be considered as independent attributes
param objective_attr:
 marking which attribute is the objective to be considered
param objective_as_binary:
 signal to set up whether treat the objective as a binary attribute. Default: False
param cliff_percentage:
 set up how many records to be remained. By default, it is 0.4
return:the survived (valued) records

The MORPH func:

morph(attribute_names, data_matrix, independent_attrs, objective_attr, objective_as_binary=False, data_has_normalized=False, alpha=0.15, beta=0.35)
param attribute_names:
 the names of attributes, should match the data_matrix
param data_matrix:
 original data
param independent_attrs:
 set up the independent attributes in the dataset. Note: ‘name’, ‘id’, etc. might not be considered as independent attributes
param objective_attr:
 marking which attribute is the objective to be considered
param objective_as_binary:
 signal to set up whether treat the objective as a binary attribute. Default: False
param data_has_normalized:
 telling whether the data matrix has been normalized.
param alpha:morph algorithm parameter
param beta:morph algorithm parameter
return:handled records

The most convenient way to use LACE1 is:

lace1(attribute_names, data_matrix, independent_attrs, objective_attr, objective_as_binary=False, cliff_percentage=0.4, alpha=0.15, beta=0.35)
param attribute_names:
 the names of attributes, should match the data_matrix
param data_matrix:
 original data
param independent_attrs:
 set up the independent attributes in the dataset. Note: ‘name’, ‘id’, etc. might not be considered as independent attributes
param objective_attr:
 marking which attribute is the objective to be considered
param objective_as_binary:
 signal to set up whether treat the objective as a binary attribute. Default: False
param cliff_percentage:
 prune rate
param alpha:parameter 1 in morph, defining the shaking degree
param beta:parameter 2 in morph, defining the shaking degree

The data selection and processor in LACE2:

add_to_bin(attribute_names, try2add_data_matrix, independent_attrs, objective_attr, objective_as_binary=False, cliff_percentage=0.4, morph_alpha=0.15, morph_beta=0.35, passing_bin=None)
param attribute_names:
 the names of attributes, should match the data_matrix
param try2add_data_matrix:
 the data anyone is holding
param independent_attrs:
 set up the independent attributes in the dataset. Note: ‘name’, ‘id’, etc. might not be considered as independent attributes
param objective_attr:
 marking which attribute is the objective to be considered
param objective_as_binary:
 signal to set up whether treat the objective as a binary attribute. Default: False
param cliff_percentage:
 prune rate
param morph_alpha:
 parameter 1 in morph, defining the shaking degree
param morph_beta:
 parameter 2 in morph, defining the shaking degree
param passing_bin:
 the data get from someone else. Set None if no passing data
return:the new passing_bin. NOTE: the result must be assigned to another variable. The parameter pointer will NOT be changed

LACE also provides a simple LACE2 application simulator. It automatically distribute all data to different members UNEQUALLY.:

lace2_simulator(attribute_names, data_matrix, independent_attrs, objective_attr, objective_as_binary=False, cliff_percentage=0.4, morph_alpha=0.15, morph_beta=0.35, number_of_holder=5)

Here we have a complete simple example to propess the data. This data is from Data.Gov

import lace
import csv

with open('example.csv', 'r') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    header = next(reader)
    data = list()
    for line in reader:

attribute_names = header
data_matrix = data
independent_attrs = ['ADM_RATE', 'SAT_AVG', 'TUITFTE', 'RET_FT4', 'PCTFLOAN', 'PCTPELL', 'DEBT_MDN', 'C150_4', 'CDR3']
objective_attr = 'mn_earn_wne_p7'

aftercliff = lace.cliff(attribute_names, data_matrix, independent_attrs, objective_attr, False, 0.4)
assert len(aftercliff) < 600

aftermorph = lace.morph(attribute_names, aftercliff, independent_attrs, objective_attr, False, False, 0.15, 0.35)
assert len(aftermorph)==len(aftercliff) and aftermorph[0] != aftercliff[0]

lace1res = lace.lace1(attribute_names, data_matrix, independent_attrs, objective_attr, False, 0.4, 0.15,0.35)
assert len(lace1res) < len(data)*0.5

bins = [header] + data[:50]
try2add_data_matrix = data[200:700]
bins = lace.add_to_bin(attribute_names, try2add_data_matrix, independent_attrs, objective_attr, False, 0.4, 0.15, 0.35, bins)
assert len(bins) < 550

lace2res = lace.lace2_simulator(attribute_names, data_matrix, independent_attrs, objective_attr, False, 0.4, 0.15, 0.35, number_of_holder=5)
assert len(lace2res)<len(lace1res)